Welcome to GRGTEST!
Service Hotline 400-602-0999
Our Services Failure Analysis Ion Cleanliness Testing
Ion Cleanliness Testing
Service Introduction
Ion residues on PCB/PCBA surface would decompose into positive and negative ions in a humid atmosphere or other conditions, which would cause improved conductivity of solvent and has serious consequences for the product such as failure or burning due to a short circuit arising from surface corrosion or crystal growth. 

Test Cycle: 

3 to 7 working days, emergency services are available 

Service Content: 

GRG Test has complete test equipment for ion chromatography and ion pollution as well as experienced analysts who can provide ion cleanliness testing efficiently and accurately. 

Product Scope: 


Test Items: 

Test Items Test Method and Standard Sample Requirements 
Ion chromatography test IPC TM 650 2.3.28 Provided by the customer
Ion contamination test  IPC TM 650 2.3.25 Provided by the customer