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Our Services Chemical Analysis Persistent Organic Pollutants Test
Persistent Organic Pollutants Test
GRG Test provides POPs persistent organic pollutants test service on various industrial products.
Service Introduction
Persistent organic pollutants have the characteristics of environmental persistence, bioaccumulation, long-distance migration and high toxicity, which will lead large-scale and long-term hazards to human beings and wild animals, cause endocrine system disorders, destroy reproduction and immune systems, and induce cancer and nervous system diseases. In order to solve the global problem of persistent pollutants, the international community adopted the Stockholm Convention on May 22, 2001. 

Service Contents 

Package Name  Test Items  Test Basis  Sample Amount  Test Cycle 
European Union Persistent Organic Pollutants Test  Latest list test of the European Union POPs persistent organic pollutants Internal method 
Material: 30g 
Liquid: 100ml 
Complete machine: 1 complete machine + loose items of the complete machine 
Test Cycle: varies with test cycle of different products, the regular cycle is 5-7 working days
(Please contact customer service directly for the regular test package.)