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Your Industry Rail Transit Dejectas Collector System Test
Dejectas Collector System Test
We provide testing and verification services for dejectas collecting system of EMU
Service Introduction
The EMU dejectas collector test system is designed and manufactured based on the relevant performance parameters of current standard EMU dejectas collector, aiming to simulate and reproduce the functional performance characteristics of the toilet in the working process, and to evaluate whether the toilet system meets the requirements of relevant standards. Meanwhile, other types of dejectas collecting system test can also be expanded. 

Product Scope: 

It covers the testing and verification of products such as dejectas collecting system, vacuum generator composition, pneumatic control device, water-pressurized bottle composition, dirt box, western type toilet composition (slide valve), DTC control panel, holding-type vacuum dejectas collecting system. 

Relevant Qualifications: 

Domestic and foreign general qualifications, such as CNAS, CMA, ISO17025, JRCC (city planning) 

Test Cycle: 

About 5 to 30 working days 

Test Items (Part): 

Test Item Reference Standard
Appearance inspection /
Vibration and impact of the dirt box GB/T 21563-2008
Noise /
Dimensional characteristic /
Electrical performance test GB/T 25119-2010;
Reliability test TB/T3338-2013
Routine flushing cycle test TB/T3338-2013
Flushing cycle period test TB/T3338-2013
Water consumption TB/T3338-2013
Test of bedpan effects TB/T3338-2013
Low voltage monitoring TB/T3338-2013
Pressure maintaining of the system TB/T3338-2013
Air consumption TB/T3338-2013
Test of electric heating device TB/T3338-2013
Pressure test of water pressurization device TB/T3338-2013
Pressure test of dirt box 1、 UIC 556
2、 EN 12663
Weight test /
Enclosure protection class GB4208-2008