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Service Hotline 400-602-0999
Your Industry Rail Transit Electromagnetic Protection Design
Electromagnetic Protection Design
We provide electromagnetic protection and design services for various electronic products.
Service Introduction
For many electronic enterprises, the insufficient consideration of EMC in the early stage of product design, or the lack of EMC design experience leading to many difficult EMC problems before finalization. Based on rich experience in EMC technical engineering application and combined with rich test data and mature simulation verification analysis, GRG Test can provide electromagnetic protection design services for customers in various industries and help to solve the EMC problem of products. 

Product Scope: 

Subway/train and other complete set, rail transit electrical and electronic equipment, rolling stock electronic device, rolling stock electrical equipment, signal control, electric traction, manual service, voice communication, trackside equipment, rail equipment, platform equipment and other electronic products; 

Service Content: 

1. For enterprises: provide EMC design specification guideline, EMC inspection list, EMC risk control system construction, EMC research, EMC software development; 
2. For personnel: provide EMC theoretical knowledge, rectification and troubleshooting analysis skills training; 
3. For product: provide EMC scheme design (simulation), EMC rectification analysis, electromagnetic pulse and lightning protection design, EMC filter surge device development.