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Your Industry Electricity Test of Electric Power Safety Tools and Instruments
Test of Electric Power Safety Tools and Instruments
Workplace safety serves as the eternal theme of the enterprise. Standardizing the management of electric power safety tools and instruments to prevent injury accidents or occupational health hazards caused by substandard quality of electrical tools and instruments, such as electric shock, burns, falling, toxic and harmful substances, puncture or impact, high temperature, dust, radiation, noise, etc., providing safe, reliable and practical safety tools and instruments to protect the health and safety of power system workers serve as the top priority of enterprise production and operation management.
Service Introduction
For electric power safety tools and instruments used in on-site operations such as operation, maintenance, overhaul, test and construction of power system, GRG Test provides a series of measurement and testing technical services including power frequency withstand voltage, static load tensile force, starting voltage, DC resistance, leakage current, etc. to assist power users to strictly ensure the quality of electric power safety tools and instruments. 

Product Scope: 

Insulating safety tools and instruments, general safety protection tools and instruments, etc. 

Relevant Qualifications: 

GRG Test has obtained the certificates of China Metrology Accreditation (CMA), China National Accreditation Service for Conformity (CNAS) and the qualification access requirements of grade 5 test-takers. 

Measurement Cycle: 

5 working days, urgent services are available

Test Items:

Tools and Instruments  Test Items
Insulating gloves  Power frequency withstand voltage 
Insulating boots  Power frequency withstand voltage 
AC electroscope  Power frequency withstand voltage, starting voltage 
Insulating bar  Power frequency withstand voltage 
Portable short circuit ground wire Power frequency withstand voltage, DC resistance 
Insulating cell   Power frequency withstand voltage, power frequency withstand voltage of surface 
Insulating pad  Power frequency withstand voltage 
Insulating protective cover Power frequency withstand voltage 
Insulating platform Power frequency withstand voltage 
Car with insulated bucket arm Power frequency withstand voltage, leakage current 
Insulated clothing Power frequency withstand voltage 
Insulating blankets Power frequency withstand voltage 
Climbing board   Static load tensile force 
Climber  Static load tensile force 
Safety belt  Static load tensile force 
Wire rope Static load tensile force 
Tools and Instruments  Test Items 
Nylon rope  Static load tensile force 
White rope Static load tensile force 
Wire clamp Static load tensile force 
Lever block  Static load tensile force 
Chain block Static load tensile force 
Pulley  Static load tensile force 
Lifting belts  Static load tensile force 
Insulating ladder  Static load tensile force, power frequency withstand voltage