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Our Services Chemical Analysis Analysis of Rubber Composition
Analysis of Rubber Composition
The technical team of chemical analysis of GRG Test has accumulated many years of experience in the field of analysis of rubber composition, which can provide you with more professional and reliable solutions for the sustainable development of rubber products.
Service Introduction
China is a big consumer of rubber products, and the products are closely related to our lives. However, the current rubber market is not under strictly control, and many rubber quality problems happened frequently, large number of repeated construction of low-end industries, concentration of medium and low-end products, serious homogeneous competition and uneven device industry levels. 

Product Scope: 

The technical team of chemical analysis of GRG Test has accumulated many years of experience in the field of analysis of rubber composition, which can provide you with more professional and reliable solutions for the sustainable development of rubber products. 

Relevant Qualifications: 


Test Cycle: 

7 working days, emergency services are available

Test Items: 

Test Item  Test Standard and Method  Sample Requirement 
Analysis and test of rubber composition  Internal standards  Select 100g or 100ml plastics as sample for single test item 
Quantitative and qualitative test of the principal composition of rubber  Select 100g or 100ml plastics as sample for single test item 
Qualitative test of all compositions of rubber  Select 100g or 100ml plastics as sample for single test item 
Test of rubber ash  Select 100g or 100ml plastics as sample for single test item 
Thermogravimetric analysis of the rubber  Select 100g or 100ml plastics as sample for single test item 
Test of the glass transition temperature of rubber  Select 100g or 100ml plastics as sample for single test item