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Our Services EMC Testing EMC Test of Power Equipment
EMC Test of Power Equipment
It provides EMC test services for power equipment.
Service Introduction
To ensure the safe and stable operation of power equipment, the EMC test of power equipment is usually an essential link of the product approval test, and GRG Test can provide EMC test services for all kinds of power equipment. 

Product Scope: 

Voltmeter, ammeter, power meter, electricity meter, relay protection equipment, insulation monitoring equipment, spare power source automatic switch equipment and intelligent inspection robot, intelligent inspection unmanned aerial vehicle, etc. 

Test Cycle: 

About 7 working days 

Test Items: 

Test Item 

Test Capability 

Conducted emission (CE)


IEC 61000-3-2/-3
IEC 60255 series
GB 4824
GB 17625.1/.2

GB/T 14598 series

Radiation emission (RE) 

Electrostatic discharge immunity (ESD)

RF radiated immunity (RS) 

Electrical fast transient immunity (EFT)

Surge immunity (Surge)

Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields (CS)

Power frequency magnetic field immunity (PFMF)

Pulse magnetic field immunity (PMF)

Damped oscillatory magnetic field immunity  DOMF

Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity (DIP)

Ring wave immunity 

Harmonicsand interharmonics including mains signalling at a.c. power port, low frequency immunity tests 

Immunity to conducted, common mode disturbances in the frequency range 0Hz to 150Hz

Damped oscillatory wave immunity DOW