Welcome to GRGTEST!
Service Hotline 400-602-0999
Your Industry Aviation Measurement and Calibration
Measurement and Calibration
The GRG Test is capable of measurement and calibration of geometric quantity, thermal engineering, mechanics, acoustics, electricity, infinite electricity, temporal frequency, electromagnetism, optics, chemistry and other fields. It is currently one of the laboratories with the largest number of international mutual recognition projects in China, and can provide calibration and testing services in the special processes fields of airplane overhaul instruments/equipment and airplane components manufacturing. All measurement instruments of GRG Test meet the measurement standards of China Institute of Metrology (NIM) and International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), meet the measurement and calibration requirements of ISO9000 series standards for inspection and measurement equipment, and issue certificates/reports that meet the requirements of ISO/IEC1725 standard of the national verification regulations/calibration specifications.
Service Introduction
As the basis of technology, measurement guarantee serves as the main technical method to ensure the safety and reliability of aircraft equipment. In order to meet the mission requirements in the new situation, both types and technologies of aircraft equipment has been greatly updated. Measurement support must keep pace with the times, improve hardware construction, change the support system, strengthen information connection. 

Product Scope: 

Calibration and testing services for special process fields, including airplane overhaul instruments/equipment and airplane components manufacturing. 

Measurement Cycle: 

7 days 

Calibration Item: 

S/N Item Name S/N Item Name S/N Item Name
1 Capacitor (box) 2 LCR digital bridge, AC bridge, impedance tester, low frequency impedance tester, capacitance measuring instrument, inductance measuring meter 3 Spark tester
4 Loop resistance tester, DC resistance tester 5 Electrostatic wristband/pedal tester 6 Surface resistance meter
7 Insulation resistance meter/(Megger) 8 High insulation resistance measuring instrument (Megger) 9 DC high voltage and high value resistor, high resistance box
10 AC and DC resistance box 11 DC low resistance meter, micro ohmmeter 12 Earth resistance meter
13 Earth conductive resistance tester 14 Battery internal resistance tester 15 Withstanding voltage testers, high voltage test bench, safety testing device for insulating gloves (boots)
16 Teslameter 17 Motor test board(meter) 18 Leakage current tester, contact current tester
19 Coil number tester 20 Airplane generator test board 21 Electronic load
22 Digital power driver, electrical parameter measuring instrument, power analyzer 23 Relay protection tester 24 Multifunctional calibration source
25 Digital multimeter calibrator, AC/DC meter calibrator 26 DC high voltage generator, testing transformer, AC high voltage generator 27 Diverter
28 Hall current (voltage) sensor 29 Magnetic particle flaw detector 30 Eddy current flaw detector
31 Yoke-type magnetic particle flaw detector 32 Protection loop vector analyzer 33 RF impedance/material analyzer
34 Network analyzer 35 Electrostatic discharge generator 36 Wireless channel simulator
37 Measurement recorder in the industrial process 38 Flow totalizer 39 Dust particle counter
40 Anemometer 41 Process Calibrator 42 Radiation thermometer
43 Thermal imager 44 Conductivity meter 45 Moving-coil temperature indicating instrument
46 Salt spray test equipment 47 Ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared spectrophotometer 48 Air sampler
49 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer 50 Atomic fluorescence spectrophotometer 51 PH meter calibrator
52 Fluorescence spectrophotometer 53 Time-of-flight mass spectrometer 54 Thermal treatment furnace
55 Pendulum impact testing machine 56 Force measuring machine for special work 57 Ultrasonic thickness gauge
58 Test sieve 59 Laser diameter measuring instrument 60 Electronic theodolite
61 Extensometer 62 Ultrasonic flaw detection test block 63 Articulated arm coordinate measuring machine
64 Tensile force, pressure and universal testing machine 65 Durometer 66 Vibration displacement sensor