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Your Industry Food Cosmetic Test
Cosmetic Test
GRG Test can provide testing services for the content of various cosmetic compositions to meet the national laws and standards, ensure the hygienic quality and use safety of cosmetics, and protect the health of consumers.
Service Introduction
As defined in the Hygienic Standard for Cosmetics (Version 2007), cosmetics refer to the daily chemical industrial products that are spread on any part of the human body surface (skin, hair, nails, lips, etc.) by embrocating, spraying or other similar methods, so as to achieve the purpose of cleaning, eliminating objectionable odor, skin care, beauty and decoration. As cosmetics can directly contact with human skin, human health will be affected if it contains toxic and harmful substances. 

Test Cycle: 

7 working days, urgent services are available

Test Items: 

Package Name Test Items Test Basis Test Qualification Quantity of Sent Samples
Routine nine items of cosmetics Lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, total bacterial count, fecal coliform group, pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, mycete and yeast Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics (Version 2015) CMA ≥ 100g (more than 2 independent packages)