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Our Services Environmental Monitoring Indoor Air Quality Testing
Indoor Air Quality Testing
GRG Test provides you with testing services such as controlled waste gas and uncontrolled waste gas in ambient air, indoor air, factories and enterprises, etc. to let you know the air quality around you.
Service Introduction
Massey valley smoke events, Donora smog event, Los Angeles photochemical smog event, the great smog of London, Bhopal poison gas leakage event... Appalling pollution accidents continue to occur. While creating great wealth for mankind, industrial civilization and urban development also discharge billions of tons of waste gases and materials into the atmosphere. The state's control over air quality is also increasingly strengthened. 

Test Period

7 working days, urgent services are available 

Service Contents

Test Items Service Contents
Ambient air and waste gas test Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB 16297-1996)
Ambient Air Quality Standards (GB 3095-2012)
Emission standard of air pollutants in various industries
Workplace air Guide for Establishing Occupational Health Standards (GBZ/T 210-2008)
Test of indoor environmental pollution control of civil building engineering Code for Indoor Environmental Pollution Control of Civil Building Engineering (GB 50325-2010)
Indoor air quality testing Indoor Air Quality Standard (GB/T 18883-2002)
Hygienic testing in public places Hygienic Standard for Public Means of Transportation (GB 9673-1996)
Hygienic Standard for Waiting Room of Public Transit Means (GB 9672-1996)
Hygienic Indicators and Limits for Public Places (GB 37488-2019)
Hygienic Specification of Central Air Conditioning Ventilation System in Public Buildings (WS 394-2012);
Examination Methods for Public Places (GB/T 18204)
Indoor Air Quality Testing in Public Places 
Other relevant standards