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Your Industry Food Pastry Test
Pastry Test
GRG Test can provide services such as certification test, regular supervision and test and delivery test for pastry, covering microorganism test, additive use test, physicochemical test, etc.
Service Introduction
Pastries are popular leisure food with various kinds. In addition to the appearance, decoration, and taste of the products, people are also paying more and more attention to the quality and safety of pastry products, such as whether the additives are used beyond the scope and limit, and the sanitary quality of the products during production. 

Test Cycle: 

7 working days, urgent services are available

Product Category: 

Baked pastry, fried pastry, steamed pastry, cooked powder pastry, cold toughening pastry, cold sponge pastry, cake pastry, fried syrup pastry and Sachima pastry 
Soft bread, hard bread, puff bread and prepared bread 
Relevant Standards of Products 
National Standards Industrial Standards
Hygienic Standard for Pastry and Bread General Technical Requirement for the Pastry GB/T20977-2007
GB7099-2015 Zongzi SB/T10377-2004
Quantity of Pollutants in Food Bread GB/T20981-2007
GB2762-2017 Fillings of Moon Cakes GB/T21270-2007
Moon Cake GB19855-2015 Current enterprise standards that have been filed

Test Items

S/N Test Items Issuing Supervision Delivery Remarks
1 Appearance and sense  
2 Net content  
3 Moisture or loss on drying  
4 Total sugar * Bread is not inspected
5 Fat * Steamed, bread, cake, cooked powder, slice cake, zongzi without meat, zongzi without stuff, mixed zongzi are not inspected
6 Alkalinity * Suitable for fried pastry
7 Protein * Suitable for cake, Cantonese moon cake with nuts, Cantonese moon cake with meat and meat products, Cantonese moon cake with aquatic products, nuts, Suzhou-style moon cake with nuts, Suzhou-style moon cake with meats and meats products and zongzi with meats
8 Stuffing content Suitable for moon cakes
9 Ratio of decorative materials to total mass of cakes * Suitable for the decorated cakes
10 Specific volume * Suitable for bread
11 Acidity * Suitable for bread
12 Acid value *  
13 Peroxide value *  
14 Total arsenic *  
15 Lead *  
16 Aflatoxin B1 *  
17 Preservatives: sorbic acid, benzoic acid, calcium (sodium) propionate * Added test of dehydroacetic acid in moon cake
Added test of potassium bromate in bread
18 Sweetener: saccharin sodium and sodium cyclamate *  
19 Pigment: carmine red, amaranth red, lemon yellow, sunset yellow and bright blue * Determined according to the color selection
20 Aluminum *  
21 Total bacterial count  
22 Coliform group  
23 Pathogenic bacteria *  
24 Mycete count *  
25 Commercial sterilization * Only suitable for zongzi with vacuum packing
26 Label    

The certification test, regular supervision and test and delivery test of pastry shall be carried out according to the test items listed in the table below. If "*" is marked on the delivery test items, the enterprise shall test it twice a year.