Welcome to GRGTEST!
Service Hotline 400-602-0999
Your Industry Medical Treatment Hygienic Testing of Medical Environment
Hygienic Testing of Medical Environment
We provide testing services such as air, water, sound, radiation for various medical environment, clean workshop and public environment.
Service Introduction
According to the relevant national standards, medical environmental sanitation is an important standard for environmental protection testing, and also a necessary condition for medical work. GRG Test is equipped with special laboratory equipment and testing laboratories, providing various environmental testing technical services for medical units and medical device enterprises. 

Product Scope: 

Clean room, medical environment, drinking water, wastewater, air in public places, etc. 

Test Cycle: 

7 working days 

Test Items: 

Cleanliness testing service 
Test Items Relevant Standards
Air cleanliness level GB 50591-2010 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Cleanroom
GB 50073-2013 Code for Design of Clean Room
GB 50333-2013 Architectural Technical Code for Hospital Clean Operating Department
GB/T 16293-2010 Test Method for Airborne Microbe in Clean Room (Zone) of the Pharmaceutical Industry
GB/T 16294-2010 Test Method for Settling Microbe in Clean Room (Zone) of the Pharmaceutical Industry
GB 50457-2008 Code for Design of Pharmaceutical Industry Clean Room
JG/T 292-2010 Clean Bench
GB/T 13554-2008 High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter
YY 0569-2011 Class II Biological Safety Cabinets
Settling microbe
Airborne microbe
Ventilation rate
Average wind velocity in working area
Fresh air rate
Relative humidity
Self-cleaning time
High efficiency filter leak detection
Static pressure difference
Air patterns
Operating room tightness
Bio-safety cabinet
Clean bench


Category  Test Items 
Test of treatment water for dialysis machine  Provide the test of chemical pollutants and endotoxin according to the provisions of Water for Hemodialysis and Related Therapies (YY0572-2015) 
Drinking water test GB 5749-2006 Standards for Drinking Water Quality


Category  Test Items 
Air testing in public places   Air temperature, air humidity, wind velocity, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, ozone, urea, formaldehyde, benzene, inhalable particulate matter PM10, total volatile organic compounds (TVOC), radon, fresh air rate, noise, illuminance, daylighting coefficient, atmospheric pressure 
Indoor air testing  Temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, fresh air rate, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, ozone, formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, xylene, benzo [a] pyrene, inhalable particulate matter PM10, total volatile organic compounds (TVOC), total bacterial count, radon 


Category  Test Items 
Acoustic environment and vibration test  Noise and vibration 


Test Items 
Ionizing radiation 
GB/T14056.1-2008 Evaluation of Surface Contamination - Part 1: Beta-emitters (Maximum Beta Energy Greater Than 0.15MeV) and Alpha Emitters
GB/T14583-1993 Norm for the Measurement of Environmental Terrestrial Gamma-radiation Dose Rate