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Your Industry Aviation Physical and Chemical Analysis of Products and Materials
Physical and Chemical Analysis of Products and Materials
GRG Test has GC/MS, HPLC, LC-MS, LC-MS-MS, XRF, XRD, ICP, ICP-MS, direct-reading spectrometer, VOC test chamber, high and low temperature electronic universal testing machine, pendulum impact testing machine, thermal deformation vicat tester, DSC, TGA, TMA, hot air aging oven, constant temperature and humidity box, xenon lamp ageing oven, various sclerometers and other testing equipment. It can carry out tests on harmful substances, chemical compositions and physical performance of various materials, such as metals, composite materials, rubber, plastics, textiles, leather, etc.
Service Introduction
In order to ensure environmental protection, stability and comfort of aviation products, the materials shall be safe and environment-friendly with no harmful substances, and with stable composition, superior and reliable performance. GRG Test can carry out all-round testing and evaluation of products and materials from chemical composition to physical properties so as to help each unit to control all aspects of design and production. 

Product Scope:

Finished products, components, metal materials, composite materials, plastics, rubber, coatings, leather, fiber materials, adhesives, other materials

Relevant Qualifications: 


Test Cycle:

5-7 working days for regular projects, 10-15 working days for total composition analysis, and add 5 working days according to aging time for long-term aging

Test Item: 

1. Harmful substances test
Product Scope: products, components, raw materials 
Test Standard  Test Item
Heavy metal lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) 
Volatile organic compound (VOC) 
Ozone depleting substances (ODS) 
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon 
Polybrominated biphenyls 
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, etc.
2. Analysis of metal composition
Product Scope: steel, aluminum and aluminum alloys, copper and copper alloys, tin alloys
Test Standard Test Item
GB/T 20123, GB/T 20125, GB/T 11170, GB/T 4336, etc.  Analysis of metal element content (carbon, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, aluminum, nickel, chromium, etc.)
3. Analysis of plastic composition
Product Scope: PE plastics, PVC cable materials, PP plastics, PMMA plastics, PC plastics, PU plastics, ABS plastics, etc.
Test Standard  Test Item
Adopt internal standards
① Analysis and test of all plastic compositions 
② Quantitative test of plastics principal compositions 
③ Qualitative property of all plastics compositions 
④ Ash test for plastics 
⑤ Thermogravimetric analysis of plastics 
⑥ Test of melting temperature and enthalpy, crystallization temperature and enthalpy, glass-transition temperature and oxidation induction time of plastics 
⑦ Formula analysis 
⑧ Resin Content of Fiber Reinforced Materials GB/T 2577-2005 
⑨ Glass Fiber Content of Fiber Reinforced Materials ISO 1172:1996 


4. Analysis of rubber composition
Product Scope: isoprene rubber, butadiene styrene rubber, cis-polybutadiene rubber, chloroprene rubber, butyl rubber, ethylene-propylene-diene monomer, nitrile rubber, etc. 
Test Standard Test Item
Adopt internal standards
① Analysis and test of rubber composition 
② Quantitative and qualitative test of the principal composition of rubber 
③ Qualitative property of all rubber compositions 
④ Ash test for rubber 
⑤ Thermogravimetric analysis of rubber 
⑥ Test of the glass transition temperature of rubber 
⑦ Formula analysis 


5. Analysis of coating composition 

Test Standard  Test Item
Adopt internal standards ① Analysis and test of all coating compositions
② Qualitative property of coating resin


6. Analysis of adhesive composition

Test Standard  Test Item

Adopt internal standards

① Analysis and test of adhesive composition
② Qualitative property of adhesive resin


7. Consistency comparison
Product Scope: plastics, rubber, fibers, etc.
Test Standard Test Item
Infrared spectrogram 
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) curve 
Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) curve: Refer to ISO 11358-1:2014
Consistency comparison test
8. Analysis of foreign matters
Product Scope: embedded foreign matter or spot, surface contaminant, precipitate, oily substance, mist, rubber bloom of electronic products, industrial products yellowing and blackening, impurities and by-products of chemical products 
Test Standard  

Test Item 

Internal standard 

Analysis and test of foreign matters

9. Physical performance test of rubber
Product Scope: rubber sheet, O-ring, rubber moldings

Test Standard Test Item

HB 5231 / GB/T 533 / ISO 2781 / ASTM D297
HB 5233 / GB/T 528 / ISO 37 / ASTM D412
GB/T 529/ ISO 34-2/ ASTM D624
HB 5235 / GB/T 7759 / ISO 604/ ASTM D395
HB 5234 / GB/T 531.1 / ISO 868 /ASTM D2240
HB 5236 / GB/T 1690
HB 5251 / GB/T 3512
GB/T 7757/ ISO 7743
GB/T 5470/ISO 974/ASTM D746/
GB/T 1682
GB/T 5470/ISO 974/ASTM D746/
GB/T 1682
GB/T 2408/IEC 60695-11-10/UL 94
GB/T 2408/IEC 60695-11-10/UL 94
Tensile strength/tensile elongation at break 
Tearing strength 
Compression set 
Shore hardness 
Volume change rate of oil resistance/reagent resistance 
Hot air aging 
Strain performance of compressive stress 
Low temperature brittle temperature - specified temperature 
Low temperature brittle temperature - finding temperature point 
Vertical combustion 
Horizontal combustion 


10. Physical performance test of plastic
Product Scope: plastic pellets, plastic sheets, moldings 
Test Standard  Test Item 
GB/T 1033.1,GB/T 1040, GB/T9341, GB/T 1041, GB/T1043.1, GB/T1843, GB/T 1634, GB/T 1633, GB/T 2411, GB/T 3398.1, ……

Density, tensile strength, elongation at break, tensile modulus, poisson ratio, bending strength, bending modulus, compressive performance, impact strength of simply supported beam, impact strength of cantilever beam, thermal deformation temperature, vicat softening point, shore hardness, implementation hardness, melt index


11. Physical performance test of composite materials
Product Scope: fiber reinforced material, sandwich structure material 

Test Standard

Test Item 

GB/T 1447-2005, GB/T 1448-2005, GB/T 1449-2005, GB/T 1451-2005, GB/T 3854-2017, GB/T 1462-2005, GB/T 1452-2018, GB/T 1453-2005, GB/T 1454-2005, GB/T 1455-2005, GB/T 1456-2005, GB/T 1457-2005
Tensile property 
Compression performance 
Bending property 
Impact performance 
Barcol hardness 
Water absorption rate 
Flatwise tensile performance 
Flat crash performance 
Side compression performance 
Cutting performance 
Bending property 
Stripping performance