Welcome to GRGTEST!
Service Hotline 400-602-0999
Your Industry Ship Reliability and Environmental Test of Marine Equipment
Reliability and Environmental Test of Marine Equipment
GRG Test can meet the standards of classification society, including Guidelines for Type Approval Tests of Electric and Electronic Products and IEC 60945 Maritime Navigation and Radiocommunication Equipment and Systems - General Requirements - Methods of Testing and Required Test Results, and can carry out environmental and reliability tests in terms of performance and environment.
Service Introduction
With the continuous development of China's shipping industry, which puts forward higher reliability requirements for marine equipment. The reliability will have a direct effect on the normal navigation of ships and even endanger the safety of human lives and property.   

Product Scope:

Marine equipment and components 

Relevant Qualifications:

China Classification Society (CCS) 

Test Item:

•Operation inspection 
•Tilt and sway test 
•Vibration test 
•High temperature (dry heat) test 
•Low temperature test 
•Cyclic damp heat test 
•Steady-state damp heat test 
•Salt spray test 
•Thermal shock test 
•Three comprehensive reliability tests 
•Enclosure protection test