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Our Services Environmental Monitoring Electromagnetic Radiation Test
Electromagnetic Radiation Test
With an experienced electromagnetic radiation test team, GRG Test can provide services for related enterprises such as electricity and communications, to help enterprises to ensure that electromagnetic radiation of base stations and power transmission and transformation projects meets the standards and to reduce public doubts.
Service Introduction
Due to the growing demands of electricity, the rapid development of new technologies and the changes in ways of socializing, more and more sources of artificial electromagnetic fields have emerged. The exposed amount under artificial electromagnetic fields in the environment is increasing. From the production and transmission of electricity, household appliances, industrial equipment to telecommunications and broadcasts, everyone is exposed to the weak electric field and magnetic field mixed in a complex way no matter at home or at work. People have a resistant emotions to electromagnetic radiation due to worried about the harm to health. 

Service Contents

Electromagnetic radiation of communication base stations 
Power transmission and transformation projects 
Measurement of physical factors in workplaces 

Test Standard:

Hygienic Standard for Environmental Electromagnetic Waves GB 9175-1988 
Regulations for Electromagnetic Radiation Protection GB 8702-1988 
Guidance on Management of Radioactive Environmental Protection -Electromagnetic Radiation Monitoring Instruments and Methods HJ/T 10.2-1996 
Guideline on Management of Radioactive Environmental Protection -Environmental Impact Assessment Methods and Standards on Electromagnetic Radiation HJ/T 10.3-1996 
Environmental Monitoring Method for Electromagnetic Radiation of Mobile Communication Base Station