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Pesticide Residue Testing
As a key laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, GRG Test can provide pesticide residue testing for various agricultural products to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products.
Service Introduction
In modern, pesticides is essential to agricultural production. Among the pesticides applied to agricultural products, some would adhere to crops while some would be scattered in soil, atmosphere and water, and those scattered pesticides would then be absorbed by crops. Therefore, the pesticides would directly or indirectly remain in cereals, vegetables, fruits, livestock products and aquatic products, and finally be eaten by human body. From this process we can realize that pesticide pollution is indeed a major pollution source in the modern food industry that cannot be ignored, so it is of great importance to monitor pesticide residues in agricultural products. 

Test Cycle:

7 working days, urgent services are available

Product Category: 

Cereals, vegetables, fruits, tea, traditional Chinese medicine, animal-derived food 

Test Items:

Category Test Items
Organophosphorus insecticide Dichlorvos, methamidophos, dipterex, acephate, dimethoate, omethoate, phorate, isofenphos-methyl, fenitrothion, fenchlorphos, fenamiphos, propaphos, quinalphos, parathion-methyl, parathion, chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos-methyl, triazophos, malathion, fenthion, isocarbophos, pirimiphos-methyl, diazinon, phosemet, ethion, demeton, methidathion, disulfoton, etc. 
Organochlorine insecticide Heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, dieldrin, aldrin, endosulfan, chlordane, hexachlorobenzene, DDT, BHC, dicofol, etc. 
Pyrethroid insecticide Permethrin, cypermethrin, fenvalerate and S-fenvalerate, deltamethrin, tetramethrin, cis-permethrin, bifenthrin, tau-fluvalinate, fenpropathrin, permethrin, flucythrinate, prallethrin, cyhalothrin, valerate, etc. 
Carbamate insecticide MTMC, isoprocarb, propoxur, carbofuran, pirimicarb, carbaryl, fenobucarb, methomyl, carbosulfan, etc.
Herbicide Atrazine, chlorotoluron, molinate, simazine, prometryn, desmetryn, terbuthylazine, terbumeton, terbutryn, methoprotryne, simetryne, cyanazine, sebuthylazine-desethyl, propazine, trietazine, atraton, simaton, prometon, ametryn, cyproterone, sebuthylazine, metribuzin, pendimethalin, trifluralin, propisochlor, pretilachlor, propachlor, alachlor, butachlor, acetochlor, metolachlor, propanil, metobromuron, monolinuron, diuron, difenoxuron, oxadiazon, difenzoquat, diquat, gramoxone, 2,4-D butyl ester, sodium pentachlorophenate, etc. 
Fungicide Kitazine, iprobenfos, tolclofos-methyl, quintozene, thiophanate-methyl, iprodione, tricyclazole, carbendazim, benomyl, chlorothalonil, triadimefon, diniconazole, metalaxyl, procymidone, etc.