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Our Services Failure Analysis AEC-Q102 Product Test of Optoelectronic Devices
AEC-Q102 Product Test of Optoelectronic Devices
AEC, composed of Ford, Chrysler and General Motors, has issued the reliability standard AEC-Q102 for optoelectronic devices, which sets strict test requirements for the reliability of optoelectronic devices and provides optoelectronic devices with high reliability and long service life for the main engine factory. The AEC-Q technical team of GRG Test has carried out a large number of AEC-Q test cases and accumulated rich certification test experience, which enables us to provide more professional and reliable test services. At the same time, we can also conduct environmental tests for LED, photodiode, transistor and laser devices.
Service Introduction
Lamps serve as important components of the whole vehicle. However, the reliability test standards of lamps and their accessories are numerous and complicated, and the test standards vary from one main engine factory to another, thus causing poor universality of such standards.

Test Cycle:

2-3 months, during which comprehensive certification plan, testing and other services will be provided

Product Scope:

LED lamp beads, photodiodes, phototransistors, laser assemblies

Test Items:

S/N Test Items Abbreviation Sample Number/Batch Batch Number Test Method
1 Pre- and Post-Stress Electrical and Photometric Test TEST Test before and after all stress tests 

User Specifications

2 Pre-conditioning PC Pretreat SMD products before WHTOL, TC and PTC tests JESD22-A113
3 External Visual EV Test before and after each test, except DPA and dimensional tests. JESD22-B101
4 Parametric Verification PV 25 3 Note A User specifications
5a High Temperature Operating Life HTOL1 26 3 Note B JESD22-A108
5b High Temperature Operating Life HTOL2 26 3 Note B JESD22-A108
5c High Temperature Reverse Bias HTRB 26 3 Note B JESD22-A108
6a Wet High Temperature Operating Life WHTOL1 26 3 Note B JESD22-A101
6b Wet High Temperature Operating Life WHTOL2 26 3 Note B JESD22-A101
6c High Humidity High Temperature Reverse Bias H3TRB 26 3 Note B JESD22-A101
7 Temperature Cycling TC 26 3 Note B JESD22-A104
8a Power Temperature Cycling PTC 26 3 Note B JESD22-A105
8b Intermittent Operational Life IOL 26 3 Note B MIL-STD-750-1 Method 1037
9 Low Temperature Operating Life LTOL 26 3 Note B JESD22-A108
10a Electrostatic Discharge Human Body Model HBM 10 3 JS-001
10b Electrostatic Discharge Charged Device Model CDM 10 3 AEC Q101-005
11 Destructive Physical Analysis DPA 2/Test 1 Appendix 6
12 Physical Dimension PD 10 3 JESD22-B100
13 Terminal Strength TS 10 3 MIL-STD-750-2 Method 2036
14 Constant Acceleration CA 10 3 MIL-STD-750-2 Method 2006
15 Vibration Variable Frequency VVF JEDEC JESD22-B103
16 Mechanical Shock MS JEDEC JESD22-B104
17 Hermeticity HER JESD22-A109
18a Resistance to Solder Heat RSH (-reflow) 10 3 Leaded:JESD22-A113、J-STD-020
18b Resistance to Solder Heat RSH (-wave) 10 3 Lead:JESD22-B106
19 Solderability SD 10 3 Lead:J-STD-002、JESD22-B102
20 Pulsed Operating Life PLT 26 3 JESD22-A108
21 Dew DEW 26 3 JESD22-A100
22 Hydrogen Sulphide H2S 26 3 IEC 60068-2-43
23 Flowing Mixed Gas FMG 26 3 IEC 60068-2-60 Test method 4
24 Thermal Resistance TR 10 1 JESD51-50、JESD51-51、JESD51-52
25 Wire Bond Pull WBP 10 3 MIL-STD-750-2 Method 2037
26 Wire Bond Shear WBS 10 3 AEC Q101-003
27 Die Shear DS 5 3 MIL-STD-750-2 Method 2017
28 Whister Growth WG / / AEC Q005