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Your Industry Electricity Power Equipment Test
Power Equipment Test
We provide environment and reliability test and EMC test for secondary power equipment.
Service Introduction
GRG Test can locate hidden dangers such as insulation defects and equipment heating through the commissioning test and preventive tests of power equipment, and provide the comprehensive technical guarantee for power safety production through power quality analysis services. Reduce hidden dangers caused by defects of the equipment itself and improve the reliability and safety of equipment. 

Test Item: 

Type  Test Item
Electro-magnetic compatibility  Radiation emission, conducted emission, ESD immunity, radiation immunity, surge (impact) immunity, conduction immunity, etc. 
Environment and Reliability  High/low temperature test, damp heat test, temperature cycle test, damp heat cycle test, etc.


Common Equipment: 

S/N  Equipment Name  S/N Equipment Name
1 Transformer  11 Capacitor bank  
2 Relay protection device 12 DC screen
3 Vacuum circuit breaker 13 Testing of charging couplers and charging piles
4 Load switch in the cabinet 14 Wire and cable 
5 Current transformer  15 Measuring instrument
6 Voltage transformer 16 Unit protection and automatic device
7 Rubber-plastic power cable  17 Insulation monitoring equipment 
8 Grounding network  18 Control and signal devices 
9 Bus bar and insulator  19 Standby power automatic switching equipment 
10 Arrester 20 ...