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Service Hotline 400-602-0999
Your Industry Medical Treatment Radiological Hygiene Test and Evaluation
Radiological Hygiene Test and Evaluation
We provide technical services for medical and health institutions in new construction, reconstruction and expansion of projects involving radioactive sources to prevent hazards caused by occupational diseases.
Service Introduction
In the context of the development of medical and health institutions and the promulgation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Occupational Disease. Occupational disease prevention and control is also highly valued by medical and health institutions and enterprises. Radiation hazards are one of the hazard factors of occupational disease. Therefore, prevention and control of radioactive occupational diseases is a necessary work for source users. GRG Test can refer to the requirements of laws and regulations such as the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Occupational Disease and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Radioactive Pollution. 

Service Contents: 

1. Pre-evaluation of radiation protection for occupational hazards in construction projects 
For the new construction, reconstruction, expansion, technical improvement, technology import and other projects with radioactive hazards, the radiation protection measures, radiation monitoring plan, radiation hazards, radiation protection management are comprehensively evaluated at the feasibility demonstration stage or before construction, and reasonable improvement suggestions are put forward to optimize the radiation protection. 
2. Control of radiation protection for occupational hazards in construction projects 
For the new construction, reconstruction, expansion, technical transformation improvement, technology import and other projects with radioactive hazards, the radiation protection measures, radiation monitoring results, radiation hazards and radiation protection management are comprehensively analyzed and evaluated before completion and acceptance, and reasonable improvement suggestions are put forward to control or eliminate occupational hazards from the source. 
3. Environmental impact assessment of nuclear technology application project
Provide environmental impact assessment services and issue environmental impact assessment reports for construction projects with radioactive hazards. 
4. Radiation protection test in workplace 
Test and evaluate the radiation level in radioactive workplaces to protect radiation workers from unnecessary exposure. 
5. Performance test of radiological diagnosis and treatment equipment
Test the radiation protection performance of radiological diagnosis and treatment equipment, including acceptance test, status test, and stability test. It can undertake the radiation health protection test of common X-ray machine, CR, DR, CT, DSA, mammography, X-ray therapy machine, γ after loading therapy machine, cobalt-60 remote therapy machine, medical electron accelerator, stereotactic radiotherapy machine, SPECT/SPECT-CT, PET/PET-CT, radiation device workplace, sealed source workplace and non-sealed source workplace. 
6. Individual dose test for radiation workers 
By monitoring individual dose of radiation workers to understand the dose equivalent of each cycle of radiation workers, provide guarantee for the safety of radiation workers, and provide technical basis for supervision and inspection by health administrative departments. It can undertake X-ray and γ-ray individual dose test projects.