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Our Services Failure Analysis Material Life Prediction and Reliability Test and Analysis Service
Material Life Prediction and Reliability Test and Analysis Service
GRG Test has rich practical experience as well as an expert team in terms of material life prediction, failure mode and mechanism research, familiar with Arrhenius, Eyring model, Peck model, Coffin-Manson model, etc. We can help customers form storage life and service life prediction by providing service of life prediction and reliability test of materials or products, and improve products in advance to avoid economic losses and reputation losses of customers.
Service Introduction
Many products in fields such as equipment, aerospace and automobiles are in the state of storage or assembly in most cases. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the products can meet the use requirements after storage or their service life can fulfill the customer requirements in long-term use. If the service life cannot satisfy the actual demand, then the product may fail in advance, posing hidden dangers to the quality of the product and even the life safety of the passengers.

Test Cycle:

Depend on the specific plan

Product Scope:

Include metal materials, polymer materials, composite materials; the test covers raw materials and parts.

Test Items:

Life prediction and reliability test mainly include environmental test and routine performance evaluation test. Test schemes shall be provided based on specific products. The main test types are as follows:

Test Type

Test Items

Environmental test

High temperature aging, high temperature and humidity, xenon lamp, vibration, etc.

Mechanical performance

Tensile property, bending property, shock, fatigue, compression, shearing, non-standard mechanical test

Metallographic analysis

Microstructure, grain size, non-metallic inclusion, phase composition, macroscopic examination, depth of hardened layer

Material composition test

Steel, aluminum alloy, copper alloy (OES/ICP/wet titration/energy spectrum analysis), FTIR, SEM/EDS, PGC-MS, etc.

Hardness test

Shore hardness, Brinell hardness, Rockwell hardness, Vickers hardness, Microhardness, etc.


Fracture analysis, microscopic morphology, foreign matter analysis

Coating test Coating thickness-Coulometry, coating thickness-metallographic method, coating thickness-electron microscope method, coating thickness-X-ray method, galvanized coating quality (weight), coating composition analysis (energy spectrometry), adhesion, corrosion resistance, etc.