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Our Services Food Test of Heavy Metals in Food and Traditional Chinese Medicinal Materials
Test of Heavy Metals in Food and Traditional Chinese Medicinal Materials
With the rich testing experience, GRG Test can provide testing services of heavy metals for food, agricultural products and traditional Chinese medicinal materials.
Service Introduction
It is very difficult for heavy metals to be biodegraded. On the contrary, it can be enriched thousands of times and finally enter the human body under the biological amplification of the food chain. If heavy metals are contained in food or medicinal materials, the direct use will have a strong interaction between heavy metals and proteins and enzymes in the human body, making them lose inactivate. Heavy metals may also accumulate in some organs of the human body, resulting in chronic intoxication. 

Test Cycle: 

7 working days, urgent services are available

Test Items:

Package Name Test Items Test Basis Test Qualification Quantity of Sent Samples
5 items for heavy metals in food Lead, total arsenic, total mercury, cadmium and chromium GB 5009.12
GB 5009.11
GB 5009.17
GB 5009.15
GB 5009.123
CMA 200g
5 items for heavy metals in pharmacopoeia of traditional Chinese medicinal materials Lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium and copper As specified in General Rule 2321 of the fourth Chinese Pharmacopoeia (Version 2015) CMA 200g